(Seems So Long Ago,) Nancy | Leonard Cohen | Supertesti.it

(Seems So Long Ago,) Nancy

Testo (Seems So Long Ago,) Nancy

The morning had not come,
Nancy was alone,
looking at the Late Late show
through a semi?precious stone.
In the House of Honesty
her father was on trial,
in the House of Mystery
there was no one at all,
there was no one there at all.

It seems so long ago,
none of us were very strong;
Ah, but Nancy wore green stockings
and she, she slept with everyone.
She never said she‘d wait for us
even though she was alone,
I think she fell in love for us
in nineteen sixty one,
in nineteen sixty one.

Ah the morning would not come,
Nancy was alone,
a forty five beside her head,
an open telephone.
Yes, we told her she was beautiful,
we all told her she was free
but none of us could meet her in
the House of Mystery,
the House of Mystery.

And now why don‘t you look around you,
see her everywhere,
many of you who used her body,
many combed her hair.
And in the hollow of the night
when you are cold and numb
you hear her talking freely then,
she‘s happy that you‘ve come,
she‘s happy that you‘ve come.

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